Four magnificent of the Canarian scene gathered to give full play to a dream-indie-pop filled with psychedelic nuances and elegance.  They are from Lanzarote and they will blow your neurons like comets in the wind. They just signed with El Hombre Bala Records, won the...


¿Cefalea? ¿Cansancio existencial? ¿Depresión postvacacional? Te traemos el remedio ideal: se llama ska. Vas a ver en directo a la legendaria banda jamaicana que inventó este género musical No han podido elegir mejor nombre para su gira: “Still rough and tough”...


1997, La Laguna. Seis pibes comparten frustración por los pasillos del instituto. En sus walkmans suenan cosas muy diferentes:  música para ravers, trashers, hippies, skaters… Un día se juntan y  crean una de las bandas más explosivas del rock canario. Ganan el...


Long live Tinder!  The Hookup Dating app managed to unite three Grand musicians: Maïa Vidal (bass), Scarlett (guitar) and Edu Benatar (drums), the trio of glam-rock with the best volts in the country. They have different ages, trajectories and nationalities: the...


If there is a rock throne, Liza Colby is a strong candidate to take the crown.  The power of Tina Turner, the instrumental sound of Led Zeppelin, the punk character of the New Yorker Daenerys Targaryen … Fire at will! Alec Morton (bass), Tom McCaffrey (guitar)...